Tim Pangburn Podcast



Tattoo artist, father, husband. Proudly sober and still full of piss & vinegar. I'm a business owner, entrepreneur, and lover of fine barbecue. Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.


  • Lockdown Day 3: What are you doing to stay productive during the shutdown?

    23/03/2020 Duración: 03min

    The coronavirus is hitting everyone hard in one way or another, and it’s not about to slow down. So what are you doing to stay productive, stay busy, and not lose it during such difficult times? I’ll be posting videos often over the coming weeks, updating you with my situation, and offering whatever moral support and advice I can. Stay frosty. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • Lockdown Day 2: Finding Productivity During the Pandemic Shutdowns

    23/03/2020 Duración: 07min

    Don’t get discouraged during this lockdown! Just take a moment and think about how you can use this time as productively as possible. We have a lot of challenges right now, but that doesn’t have to halt all forward momentum. Stay the course. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • Depression got me like

    24/01/2020 Duración: 06min

    Talking a little about depression, anxiety, and getting myself on track. Give a listen, leave some feedback, and share if you think someone needs to hear it! Text me about anything (215) 688-5022 Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • Awareness and sobriety

    06/08/2019 Duración: 18min

    Sometimes our own mind gets in the way of finding ways to be grateful. When you can’t seem to shake anger, bitterness, or other frustrations, you may have to look a little deeper to find gratitude. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • Take Credit: own your achievements

    22/07/2019 Duración: 11min

    So, to be up front, this was definitely recorded because I’m an atheist. It’s about giving yourself the credit you deserve, especially in sobriety. I believe that attributing achievements and other good things in life to god is insulting. It discredits hard work, and it forces the assumption that if you are not experiencing success, then god must not be working for you. I think it’s time we embrace our own success and power. If you have achieved something, YOU did it. There’s no divine intervention at play, just your own skill, willpower, and commitment to your goal. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • The Key to Happiness: ACCEPTANCE

    27/06/2019 Duración: 10min

    Here’s some of my thoughts on acceptance, and why it’s one of the most important aspects to personal growth and achievement. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • June 19, 2019

    21/06/2019 Duración: 07min

    I was pretty tired and I’m not sure what’s in this, but I went through the trouble of adding an end screen to the video, so it must be important? Anyway, here’s stripped audio from yesterday’s vlog. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • Sometimes the bad guy wins: navigating uncomfortable truths

    31/05/2019 Duración: 11min

    Too often, we don’t want to deal with truths we think are uncomfortable or unhappy. The thing is, ignoring them causes more damage than just facing them and accepting them. In this video, I dismantle the myth of good always triumphing over evil. Read the accompanying blog below! https://www.timpangburn.com/sometimes-the-bad-guy-wins/ Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • 12. Gratitude: #ThankfulThursday

    10/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    Gratitude is the way to start and finish every day. Do it a bunch in the middle as well. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Facebook: http://facebook.com/timpangburnart Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Quora: http://Quora.com/timpangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • Positivity Talk at 2018 UCDA Design Conference

    04/10/2018 Duración: 46min

    I was invited to give a speech on maintaining a positive mindset at the 2018 UCDA Design Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I was honored to be a part of the event, and I spoke with several people after my talk. I know I made a positive impact on a few people, so I'd call this mission a success.

  • 11: Intentional Living

    12/02/2018 Duración: 16min

    What is intentional living? It's all about being clear and honest with yourself about what you want and why, and not being concerned with the opinions of others. Your life is yours, and no one has the right to impact your goals except you. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • 10: Procrastination

    26/01/2018 Duración: 14min

    Dig deep into your habit of procrastination, and I bet you'll find fear and discomfort. I challenge you to face those fears. Face it, move past it, and grow. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • 9: Keep Going

    13/01/2018 Duración: 11min

    I shift focus often. I pick up projects and put them down constantly, and to most people, it just looks like a string of failures and unfinished endeavors. The truth is, I'm tasting and trying, learning what works and what doesn't. I'm figuring what it is that makes me happy. Keep going. Don't get discouraged just because you didn't finish a personal project, just be aware of your motivation. I have faith in you. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • 8: Be your own hero

    11/01/2018 Duración: 12min

    Be your own hero. Don't hold others on a pedestal, because you will inevitably learn that they are a flawed and faulty person like everyone else. Take the traits you admire about that person, and work to instill them in yourself. We tend to have expectations of people that are created solely on our belief about them. This discounts the fact that they are just another person trying to find their way. What they do or say or want in life may be wildly different than what you expect of them. Avoid letdown by not placing any expectation on someone until you've gotten to know them, and even then, don't be surprised if they don't meet that expectation. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • 7: Set your goals TODAY

    03/01/2018 Duración: 16min

    New Years resolutions are a joke. We never keep them, and they're half hearted at best. Set your goals today, and make a commitment to follow through. You can achieve anything if you believe and put the god damn work in. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • 6: you are special

    29/12/2017 Duración: 10min

    You're special. Don't let anyone tell you different. When you start believing that you are special, you can start unlocking your own potential. There is an entire world of possibility if you believe in yourself. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Podcast iTunes: https://goo.gl/pTkszT Podcast Google Play: https://goo.gl/L1FJKy Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication.

  • Honesty

    18/12/2017 Duración: 14min

    Honesty: the most important thing in relationship building. Don't be a dick, don't pass the buck, and don't make excuses. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication

  • I'm not a cool kid

    17/12/2017 Duración: 16min

    Don't worry about fitting in or pleasing others. Just do what you know is right for you. Fitting in is for the herd, not the shepherd. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication

  • Motivation Monday

    11/12/2017 Duración: 11min

    Stop hating Monday! Monday is your opportunity to go out and grab life by the balls. Own what you do, and you will find success. Website: http://timpangburn.com YouTube: http://YouTube.com/user/TimPangburn Instagram: http://instagram.com/TimPangburn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TimPangburn Snapchat: @TimPangburn Medium: http://medium.com/@timpangburn Motivation. Inspiration. Dedication

  • Out of Control

    10/12/2017 Duración: 15min

    This is about control, and why you don't have any. It's about acceptance, and learning to live with the insanity of the world. It's about letting go, rolling with the punches, and just being.

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